GASP ED – Reference Material for Advocacy and Green Living Ideas

GASP is creating a series of online reference publications to keep our members educated on the key issues. This will strengthen your advocacy work.  If you have any suggestions for great resource material, please go to Contact Us

GASP ED – IPCC 2022 Report on Climate Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability – Key findings, how will climate change affect Canada?

GASP ED – How should Halton Region Grow? Why does the upcoming Halton Region land use vote matter on Feb 9? Land use decisions have big influence on your taxes, congestion, food security, GHG emissions, air quality, livability. Find out why.

On climate change banks are not our friends – October 26, 2021

COP26 in a Nutshell – A Primer

Anti-Sprawl Toolkit – April 13, 2021– This resource explains the importance of land use planning from a wide variety of perspectives and explains why maintaining hard urban boundaries is a key solution to the Climate Emergency.

GASP – C-12 Brief to Standing Committee April 6 2021

Educational Webinars – on a variety of topics nature based solutions to inspiration from Seth Klein. We have provided links to recorded webinars from Canada’s top environmental groups – Guide to watch recorded educational webinars

Gardening During Covid KIm An entertaining and educational essay by GASP member Kimberly Schols on how a person with no gardening background created a prolific vegetable garden in 2020. You can do it too! Kimberly shows you how.

The Value of Nature – Why trees pay for themselves, Why wetlands are the Swiss army knife of ecosystems, the new understanding of how to create healthy soils and more

Hope & Imagination – how to frame climate change, green future

GASP Ed Fall 2020 – Review of the documentary 2040, Regenerative agriculture, Marine Permaculture, New Green Habits

GASP-Ed-July-2020-PDF-V.4         Ford’s Omnibus Bill, En Roads Workshops and Dianne Saxe Podcast

Gasp Ed. April 29th 2nd copy –  Halton Recycling App, Jane Jacobs – inspirational activist, Basic Income